14 research outputs found

    The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Short Distance Scale to the LMC

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    We present {\it UBVI} photometry of the eclipsing binary HV2274 - the system which has been recently used for distance determination to the LMC by Guinan et al. (1998). We determine the interstellar reddening to the star, E(B-V)=0.149+/-0.015 mag, based on observed colors of the star. This value is in excellent agreement with the mean reddening towards HV2274 obtained from photometry of the red clump stars in the surrounding field. The reddening is almost twice as large as determined by Guinan et al. (1998). We discuss the consequences of reddening underestimate. Most likely HV2274 is located much closer with the distance modulus to the star and the LMC: m-M = 18.22+/-0.13 mag supporting the short distance scale to the LMC. Such a distance modulus is in excellent agreement with the recent distance determinations with RR Lyr and red clump stars.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 2 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters. New version - trimmed to fit ApJL. Additional determination of the reddening towards HV2274 with OB star

    Planetary Detection Efficiency of the Magnification 3000 Microlensing Event OGLE-2004-BLG-343

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    OGLE-2004-BLG-343 was a microlensing event with peak magnification A_{max}=3000+/-1100, by far the highest-magnification event ever analyzed and hence potentially extremely sensitive to planets orbiting the lens star. Due to human error, intensive monitoring did not begin until 43 minutes after peak, at which point the magnification had fallen to A~1200, still by far the highest ever observed. As the light curve does not show significant deviations due to a planet, we place upper limits on the presence of such planets by extending the method of Yoo et al. (2004b), which combines light-curve analysis with priors from a Galactic model of the source and lens populations, to take account of finite-source effects. This is the first event so analyzed for which finite-source effects are important, and hence we develop two new techniques for evaluating these effects. Somewhat surprisingly, we find that OGLE-2004-BLG-343 is no more sensitive to planets than two previously analyzed events with A_{max}~100, despite the fact that it was observed at ~12 times higher magnification. However, we show that had the event been observed over its peak, it would have been sensitive to almost all Neptune-mass planets over a factor of 5 of projected separation and even would have had some sensitivity to Earth-mass planets. This shows that some microlensing events being detected in current experiments are sensitive to very low-mass planets. We also give suggestions on how extremely high-magnification events can be more promptly monitored in the future.Comment: 50 pages, 13 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journa

    Constraints on Planetary Companions in the Magnification A=256 Microlensing Event: OGLE-2003-BLG-423

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    We develop a new method of modeling microlensing events based on a Monte Carlo simulation that incorporates both a Galactic model and the constraints imposed by the observed characteristics of the event. The method provides an unbiased way to analyze the event especially when parameters are poorly constrained by the observed lightcurve. We apply this method to search for planetary companions of the lens in OGLE-2003-BLG-423, whose maximum magnification A_max=256+-43 (or A_max=400+-115 from the lightcurve data alone) is the highest among single-lens events ever recorded. The method permits us, for the first time, to place constraints directly in the planet-mass/projected-physical-separation plane rather than in the mass-ratio/Einstein-radius plane as was done previously. For example, Jupiter-mass companions of main-sequence stars at 2.5 AU are excluded with 80% efficiency.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Microlensing optical depth toward the Galactic Bulge using bright sources from OGLE-II

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    We present a measurement of the microlensing optical depth toward the Galactic Bulge based on 4 years of the OGLE-II survey using Red Clump Giant (RCG). Using 32 events we find tau=2.55_{-0.46}^{+0.57}* 10^{-6} at (l,b)=(1.16, -2.75). Taking into account the measured gradient along the Galactic latitude b, tau = [ (4.48+/- 2.37) + (0.78+/- 0.84)* b]* 10^{-6}, this value is consistent with previous measurements using RCG sources and recent theoretical predictions. We determine the microlensing parameters and select events using a model light curve with the flux blending. We find that ~38% of the OGLE-II events which appear to have RCG sources are actually due to much fainter stars blended with a bright companion. We show explicitly that model fits without blending result in similar tau estimates through partial cancellation of contributions from higher detection efficiency, underestimated time-scales and larger number of selected events. This approach, however, leads to biased time-scale distributions and event rates. Consequently, microlensing studies should carefully consider source confusion effects even for bright stars.Comment: 49 pages and 18 figures, ApJ in press, the value changed due to the systematic correctio

    Microlensing of Relativistic Knots in the Quasar HE1104-1805

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    We present 3 years of photometry of the ``Double Hamburger'' lensed quasar, HE1104-1805, obtained on 102 separate nights using the OGLE 1.3-m telescope. Both the A and B images show variations, but with substantial differences in the lighcurves at all time delays. At the 310 day delay reported by Wisotzki and collaborators the difference lightcurve has an rms amplitude of 0.060 mag. The structure functions for the A and B images are quite different, with image A more than twice as variable as image B (a factor of 4 in structure function) on timescales of less than a month. Adopting microlensing as a working hypothesis for the uncorrelated variability, the short timescale argues for the relativistic motion of one or more components of the source. We argue that the small amplitude of the fluctuations is due to the finite size of the source with respect to the microlenses.Comment: As accepted for publication in ApJ. 22 pages. The discussion of microlensing at high optical depth has been shortened and a few minor points have been clarifie

    WR 20a is an Eclipsing Binary: Accurate Determination of Parameters for an Extremely Massive Wolf-Rayet System

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    We present a high-precision I-band light curve for the Wolf-Rayet binary WR 20a, obtained as a sub-project of the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Rauw et al. have recently presented spectroscopy for this system, strongly suggesting extremely large minimum masses of 70.7 +/- 4.0 Mo and 68.8 +/- 3.8 Mo for the component stars of the system, with the exact values depending strongly on the period of the system. We detect deep eclipses of about 0.4 mag in the light curve of WR 20a, confirming and refining the suspected period of P=3.686 days and deriving an inclination angle of i=74.5 +/- 2 deg. Using these photometric data and the radial velocity data of Rauw et al., we derive the masses for the two components of WR 20a to be 83.0 +/- 5.0 Mo and 82.0 +/- 5.0 Mo. Therefore, WR 20a is confirmed to consist of two extremely massive stars and to be the most massive binary known with an accurate mass determination.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. Catalog of stellar proper motions in the OGLE-II Galactic bulge fields

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    We present a proper motion (\mu) catalogue of 5,080,236 stars in 49 Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment II (OGLE-II) Galactic bulge (GB) fields, covering a range of -11 deg. <l< 11 deg. and -6 deg. <b<3 deg., the total area close to 11 square degrees. The proper motion measurements are based on 138 - 555 I-band images taken during four observing seasons: 1997-2000. The catalogue stars are in the magnitude range 11 < I < 18 mag. In particular, the catalogue includes Red Clump Giants (RCGs) and Red Giants in the GB, and main sequence stars in the Galactic disc. The proper motions up to \mu = 500 mas/yr were measured with the mean accuracy of 0.8-3.5 mas/yr, depending on the brightness of a star. This catalogue may be useful for studying the kinematic of stars in the GB and the Galactic disk.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figures, MNRAS in pres

    OGLE-2003-BLG-262: Finite-Source Effects from a Point-Mass Lens

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    We analyze OGLE-2003-BLG-262, a relatively short, t_E=12.5+-0.1day, microlensing event generated by a point-mass lens transiting the face of a K giant source in the Galactic bulge. We use the resulting finite-source effects to measure the angular Einstein radius, theta_E=195+-17muas, and so constrain the lens mass to the full-width half-maximum interval 0.08 < M/M_sun < 0.54. The lens-source relative proper motion is mu_rel = 27+-2 km/s/kpc. Both values are typical of what is expected for lenses detected toward the bulge. Despite the short duration of the event, we detect marginal evidence for a "parallax asymmetry", but argue that this is more likely to be induced by acceleration of the source, a binary lens, or possibly by statistical fluctuations. Although OGLE-2003-BLG-262 is only the second published event to date in which the lens transits the source, such events will become more common with the new OGLE-III survey in place. We therefore give a detailed account of the analysis of this event to facilitate the study of future events of this type.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Variability of Luminous Stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud Using 10 Years of ASAS Data

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    Motivated by the detection of a recent outburst of the massive luminous blue variable LMC-R71, which reached an absolute magnitude M_V = -9.3 mag, we undertook a systematic study of the optical variability of 1268 massive stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, using a recent catalog by Bonanos et al. (2009) as the input. The ASAS All Star Catalog (Pojmanski 2002) provided well-sampled light curves of these bright stars spanning 10 years. Combining the two catalogs resulted in 599 matches, on which we performed a variability search. We identified 117 variable stars, 38 of which were not known before, despite their brightness and large amplitude of variation. We found 13 periodic stars that we classify as eclipsing binary (EB) stars, eight of which are newly discovered bright, massive eclipsing binaries composed of OB type stars. The remaining 104 variables are either semi- or non-periodic, the majority (85) being red supergiants. Most (26) of the newly discovered variables in this category are also red supergiants with only three B and four O stars.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures and 3 tables; published in A

    Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. OGLE-1999-BUL-19: The First Multi-Peak Parallax Event

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    We describe a highly unusual microlensing event, OGLE-1999-BUL-19, which exhibits multiple peaks in its light curve. The Einstein radius crossing time for this event is approximately one year, which is unusually long. We show that the motion of the Earth induces these multiple peaks in the light curve, since the relative transverse velocity of the lens projected into the observer plane is very small (v = 12.5 km/s). This is the lowest velocity so far published and we believe that this is the first multiple-peak parallax event ever observed. We also believe that this event may be exhibiting slight binary-source signatures in addition to these parallax-induced multiple peaks. With spectroscopic observations it is possible to test this `parallax plus binary-source' hypothesis and (if this hypothesis turns out to be correct) to simultaneously fit both models and obtain a measurement of the lens mass. Furthermore, spectroscopic observations could also supply information regarding the lens properties, possibly providing another avenue for determining the lens mass. We found that most of the I-band blending is probably caused by light from the lens or a binary companion to the source. However, in the V-band, there appears to be a second blended source 0.35" away from the lensed source. HST observations will be very useful for understanding the nature of the blends. We also suggest that a radial velocity survey of all parallax events will be very useful for further constraining the lensing kinematics and understanding the origins of these events and the excess of long events toward the bulge.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA